Making information accessible to blind and visually impaired people – a service to organizations and companies
We believe that all information that is available to sighted people should also be accessible to blind and visually impaired people. The knowledge, the expertise and the tools that we have enable us to provide companies and organizations that wish to make their various products accessible with a custom-made service and today, thanks to the Library, nearly all visual content, not only cultural content, can be made accessible.
Currently, as part of the Access to Services Regulations (Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Regulations, 2013), organizations and companies are required to provide their clients with information tailored to their various disabilities. The Library is pleased to offer companies and organizations a wide range of accessibility products, such as information sheets, forms, brochures, booklets, contracts, menus and more, in audio, Braille or Large Print formats. We also provide audio description for video and visual content and digital tagging files for computer reading.
During its 66 years of activity the Library has accumulated extensive experience in the field of bringing access to information and culture. The Library is the largest and the leading body in the field of accessible content production in Israel and we serve blind, visually impaired, learning and other reading impaired people such as the elderly (75+) with age-related visual impairment. In Israel there are some 24,000 holders of blind certificates, and an estimated 200,000 more visually impaired people who also need various accessibility services for visual material.
Added value - or to put it another way, Why choose us?
Today, due to the Accessibility Law, there are various businesses seeking to provide accessibility services to commercial organizations and companies. In Israel the Library has the most experience in the field of accessibility for blind, visually and reading impaired people, but it is also significant to note that we are a non-profit organization, and the full income received from providing this service to businesses enables us to expand our activities to providing access to culture in general for blind, visually impaired and reading impaired people.
Click here for further information about service regulations and benefits, in cooperation with the Library
For further details please call 972-(0)9-8865127 or email